Sunday, June 17, 2007

Paraguay, Day 2 (Sunday)

Saturday night, while Bob Boston and David went to the airport to retrieve the lost but now found luggage, Aaron and I went with Brenda to the San Lorenzo church, where we met with the college group. The room was cold: it’s winter here, and they have no heat and lots of leaks in the windows and walls (the church is still being built). Of course, by cold, I mean it was in the 60’s inside, so it really wasn’t that bad. The college group started off with singing; I recognized about half the songs, and even sang some, even though I don’t know Spanish. Aaron gave a testimony on God’s grace, reminding these Christian college students that we are still dependent on God’s grace to grow, even after salvation.

While we were at the San Lorenzo church, Bob and David came back to the house, dropped off the bags (thank you Lord!) and then took Lenny and Lori to a women’s cell group, where Lenny spoke and Lori gave her testimony. From what I hear, it went well, although Lori left her notes at the Boston’s house, so she did it from the heart. Remember how in church she was so nervous about speaking in front of people? God used both ladies last night.

This morning, Bob took the team to visit 5 of the C&MA churches in the Asuncion area. We met some wonderful people, including missionaries to Paraguay from Argentina, the US, and the Philippines. And do you remember the video we showed in church? Remember the shot of the man with the black beard and a great smile welcoming the camera into church? We met him at the Asuncion C&MA church, right in the same place as in the video, greeting us. He is a barber and cuts the hair of some of the leading politicians in Paraguay. What a great guy. We were able to pray for and with the pastors of two of the churches. It was a privilege.

Tonight, we go to the San Lorenzo church, where Bob is the pastor. We’ll be there for the whole service, and may give a greeting. Tomorrow, we start construction of the secretary’s office and a counseling room at the church. It will be in one corner of their auditorium, just on the left as you come in the door. With David leading the crew, we hope to build something that is attractive, since it will be so visible.

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